Nov 7, 2009

Daftarkan diri anda sebagai pengundi!

Saya berasa bangga terhadap pembaca blog saya yang seringkali menyuarakan rasa bimbang dan tidak puas hati mereka terhadap pelbagai isu berkaitan dengan politik, rakyat, pendidikan, agama, sukan, dasar kerajaan, ekonomi serta lain-lain. Namun kaedah yang paling bijak untuk menunjukkan ketidakpuashatian kita terhadap segala polisi dan sistem kerajaan adalah menerusi undi/pilihanraya. Jadi sudahkah anda daftarkan diri anda sebagai seorang pengundi?

Jika anda sendiri atau ahli keluarga, teman, dan rakan-rakan belum mendaftar sebagai pemilih. Sila membawa mereka ke pejabat pos berdekatan dengan hanya membawa IC, anda tidak perlu bimbang tentang cara-cara untuk mengisi borang, ini kerana pekerja di pejabat pos akan membantu anda untuk berbuat demikian.

Mengapakah undi adalah begitu penting sekali? Ini kerana, walaupun kita seringkali berbicara atau berteriak di mana-mana, isi hati kita tidak akan kedengaran jika kita bukan seorang pengundi maka apa yang kita suarakan itu akan menjadi sia-sia. Kita tidak mampu untuk menghantar mesej kepada pemerintah atau untuk membawa perubahan rejim jika kita tiada kuasa mengundi.

Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 akan menjadi pilihanraya yang paling penting dalam sejarah negara. Pelbagai lapisan masyarakat akan menunjukkan satu perubahan politik yang paling ketara. Ini juga melambangkan kesedaran politik rakyat Malaysia makin terserlah. Pelbagai kesilapan dilakukan oleh pemerintah akan secara langsungnya menjatuhkan mereka sendiri. Ini kerana hanya rakyat yang boleh menentukan jatuhbangunnya sesebuah kerajaan tersebut.

Ini juga bermaksud jika seseorang itu tidak puas dengan kerajaan sekarang, dia harus mendaftarkan diri sebagai pemilih dan seterusnya mengundi agar suaranya terdengar semasa pilihanraya. Dan jika dia puas hati dengan kerajaan sekarang, maka dia juga perlu mendaftar dan mengundi untuk mempertahankan kerajaan tersebut untuk terus memerintah.

Setiap undi adalah penting. Terdapat beberapa negara yang menafikan hak mengundi rakyatnya, ia sekaligus menyekat rakyat mereka untuk bersuara. Jadi bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita miliki sekarang. Saya berharap anda tidak berada dikalangan 4 juta pemilih yang belum mengambil bahagian dalam proses demokrasi yang kita nikmati sekarang. Untuk menjadi warganegara yang bertanggungjawab, daftarkan diri anda sebagai pengundi sekarang!


Nov 6, 2009

No politics for today!

Enjoy this video:

Nov 5, 2009

Again... MIC is the main problem to Malaysian Indian......

After more than 5 decades, MIC has failed to address the problems of Malaysian ethnic Indians. Furthermore, MIC frequently claims that they are the only party that struggling for Malaysian Indians, but in reality so far it has only cheated millions of Malaysian Indians money and shares.

MIC lost people trust due to bad performance under its leaderships over the deacades, it started to get cheap publicity by doing many useless political dramas. When there are thousands of problems facing by Malaysian Indians nowadays, MIC seems like ignorance of the problems and continuously relies on those political dramas to recover popularity back from the people.

Last month in Selangor, a 4D datuk temple demolished by the authorities, MIC slammed the authorities for what had happened. In fact, that 4D datuk temple is not for devotees to pray but for gamblers to predict the 4D numbers. MIC only can defend for nonsense things, this clearly shows well MIC's stupidity. We Malaysians definitely don’t want such leaders and also the party.

Another case that recently happened was when MIC politicize a Tamil school in Selangor. Watch the video below, you will understand why I hate MIC.

Watch this:

Nov 3, 2009

The ugly truth about Malaysia: Human rights violations worsening

There are some major human rights violations in Malaysia and some of the non-governmental organisations working in this field such as Suaram, Hakam and WAO. But these organizations failed to protect Malaysians from human rights violations. In addition, there is the government sponsored Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, Suhakam. This organisation is a total waste when the human violations made by government itself and they are the one who going to overcome the violations? Is it logic?

Human Rights violated in Malaysia include:
  • The right to vote freely
  • Freedom of religion
  • Equality of religion
  • Independence of the legal system
  • Freedom from Torture
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Freedom from Discrimination

The simplest example of human rights violations in Malaysia is the use of Internal Security Act (ISA) against political leader and human rights activist. There are hundreds of other examples that violate the basic need of Malaysians such as deaths in custody, tortures by the authorities, racial policies and systems, demolish of the temples and much more.

The human rights violation worsening in Malaysia in recent years despite the bad performance in previous years, this shows the government refuse to admit their mistakes. Watch the video that I have posted, the video is from Amnesty International Report 2007 (Malaysia):

Nov 2, 2009

More than 15 000 holy Bibles seized: A mockery of religious rights in Malaysia

World media like CNN, BBC and international press have been giving extensive coverage to the news involving Malaysia authorities seized more than 15,000 Bibles in recent months. The reason given by the authorities was the Bibles translated the word "God" as "Allah" banned in Malaysia. For almost a year, Malaysia has banned non-Muslims from using the word "Allah" in their texts, saying the word is Islamic. Read here- Bibles seized as Malaysia minorities fear fundamentalism here- Bibles seized as Malaysia minorities fear fundamentalism and here- Church officials: 15,000 Bibles seized in Malaysia.

In fact, several months ago Nik Aziz Nik Mat, the influential spiritual leader of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, said that a verse in the Quran in which non-Muslims of Mecca call their God as "Allah" supported his point. Read here- Malaysia politician: Non-Muslims can use 'Allah'. The Islamic leader admitted that the word 'Allah' is for all. So, I wonder why authorities banned the word 'Allah' to non-Muslims?

According to Hermen Shastri, general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia says authorities seized 10,000 Bibles in September and the rest 5,100 Bibles were seized in March. Both were sent from Indonesia. He also stated that Indonesian and Malaysian languages both use "Allah" as a translation for God.

It’s a fact that Christians already used the word ‘Allah’ for a long time, so this is not an issue and the holy bibles should be returned to the churches. A growing sense of discrimination among the minorities is chipping away at Malaysia's reputation as a harmonious multiethnic nation that practices a moderate brand of Islam.

Besides the Bible seizures, Malaysia has been embroiled in other religious disputes. Some were over the conversion of minors to Islam and the religion of deceased people who are said to have converted to Islam secretly before their death. Hindus have also protested the demolition of hundreds temples by the authorities.

The right to practice their faiths freely has come under threat as the government panders to the Muslim majority. Non-Muslims banned God as to use the word “Allah” raising concerns and fears of religious intolerance in the country, I think Malaysia is the first country in the world that rule out such law to show their religious intolerance. What a shame! Can I say that Malaysian authorities are hypocrite?