Nov 11, 2008


Last year, a survey of 1,824 Singaporeans' views on inter-racial ties by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies found that 94% of Chinese polled said they would not mind an Indian as prime minister, and 91% said they would not mind Malay in the top post.

So far, as I believe no one has organized such studies in Malaysia. I think I can do my part to find out what is in Malaysian’s mind. So I’m going to start a survey. The poll that I have created is to confirm the acceptance of Non-Malay as the Malaysian Prime Minister and whether non-Malay believes that Malays will accept the motion. Few days ago our Prime Minister said that ‘anyone can be Prime Minister’. Prime minister admit that, how about Malaysian citizen especially Malays?

The selection of yours is going to determine how liberal minded you are. For non-Malays, it reflects believe on the Malays whether they will accept you to be a Prime Minister or otherwise. ‘Cast’ your vote in the poll at the sidebar of this blog. Vote as a true BANGSA MALAYSIA!

1 comment:

Subhas Chandran.P said...

bro..Good question
i will support for the non malaysian prime ministor must have changes ...even before this in malaysia `TUN SAMBANTHAN` be has a one day prime minister... y not we change the history of malaysia ..went ever American Face the financial crisis than only try to make correct choice malaysian people will realise one day!!!