The year 2008 and 2009 brought nothing but misery to the Tamils. Their agriculture, farming, fishing and other economic activities were purposely wrecked by the army. Their homes build by them with their live savings bombed cruelly under the guise of flushing out the Tigers. It was reported in the Tamil daily that more than 57,000 houses had been damaged in Kilinochi alone.
As a result, the Tamil population had been reduced to the status of beggars who depended on relief aid from the United Nations and other NGOs from countries that are sympathetic for the Tamils. Even these NGOs, other than Red Cross, are barred from the warzones of Vanni and Mullaithevu, further sickening the plight of the Tamils.

The cost of the civilians has been documented as follows:
- Over 100,000 Tamils have been killed
- Over 28,000 Tamils have disappeared
- Over 12,600 Tamil girls and women have been rape
- Over 30,000 women widowed
- Over 20,000 orphaneD
- Over 1.2 million of Tamils have been displaced (internally and externally)
- Over 8 billion USD worth of property owned by Tamils has been destroyed
The damages and inhuman acts by Sri Lankan government towards Tigers are most cruel in the world compare to the other major wars and discriminations such as in Bosnia and Palestine. Every human regardless of race and religion should support LTTE for their noble cause. The Tigers (Tamils in Sri Lanka) stand has always been that fighting for survival, dignity and self respects.