Jan 17, 2009

Onn Jaafar, The True Nationalist

United Malays National Organization (UMNO)

Malaysian history stated that there were several attempts to create multiracial parties, only a few have survived until today. The leader like Onn Jaafar already proposed the idea of multiracial party politics in 1950s. If it was a reality, I’m confident that we don’t need to struggle with a lot of racial problems nowadays. I realised that Malaysian had awakened that racial politics are not relevant to the modern Malaysia. Even now I can ask that will race-based party survives in future? March 8 general election wondering me is there any future for race based politics in Malaysia.

Onn Jaafar formed the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) on 4th March 1946 to unite the Malays in order to oppose the Malayan Union. Once he was appointed as the President of UMNO he suggested that UMNO be opened to other races in Malaya in order to resolve the racial issue in politics. He was the one who initiated the idea of multiracial politics in our nation’s history. It’s very true if I label him as the true nationalist for all Malaysian. He split with UMNO leadership because the reason to unite all Malayan to one leadership. He wanted a multiethnic party that included representatives from the Indians and Chinese minorities who made up almost 40% of the population.

In this case, I can equalise his effort to Mahatma Gandhi in India. Mahatma Gandhi struggled solidly to unite Muslims and Hindus under the flag of India, but sadly his attempts unsuccessful which have created the India and Pakistan. He was happy to freed India from British, but he regretted that he could not unite the Muslims and Hindus under one nation. Although Dato Onn’s struggle not as solid as Mahatma Gandhi in India, but he deserve the praise for the reason of his idea.

Since UMNO membership rejected Jaafar's proposal, opting for the continuation of communal parties based along racial/ethnic lines. In 1951, Jaafar left UMNO and founded the multiethnic Independence of Malaya Party (IMP). The IMP never won a large base of popular support or was able to challenge the UMNO-led coalition's monopoly on power. He failed of his attempt to create one Malayan concept politics. The failure of Onn Jaafar in his attempts empowers the racial politics in Malaysia. The effects we can witness until today after 51 years of independent.

From the May 13 tragedy, Kampung Medan incident, Keris wave by UMNO leaders to the Ahmad Ismail racial statement. All those incidents are the consequences of the racial politics in Malaysia. The idea of Dato Onn Jaafar was totally rejected by Malayan in 1950s, now in 2008 right after March 8 political Tsunami, every Malaysian had started to kick the racial politics out of Malaysia. It’s another prove that Malaysians are now becoming matured and more united although a lot of people constantly using the racial sentiments to generate public disorders and riots.


Jan 14, 2009

Rich Malaysia, Poor Malaysian

Jan 12, 2009

Equality Essential for Racial Unity

I refer to Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on the news in NST entitled “Racial unity essential for stability.” I think it’s appropriate to say that “Equality essential for Racial Unity.” Think what Malaysian minorities fighting for such a long time. They are struggling for equal rights to be the same as the majority. We can't deny the facts that lots of people and leader and not happy with the policies and systems that favour to only some group of poeple. In fact, the inequality in some policies and systems doesn’t not help the Malays or non-Malays.

Definitely, equality benefits the majority as well, it boosts healthy competition in between races in Malaysia. Malaysians are surviving in the situations of inequality for decades, that’s the main obstacle to achieve racial unity. If we spoon feed everything to some group of people at all the time, so when are they going to learn? When they going to try on their own effort? Undeniably, it will lead to long term effect on racial unity, our economy and other fields too.

The minorities in Malaysian mostly come up in life on their own attempts and struggles. They not received major helps form government in any sector. The same thing does not happen to Malay, so it’s impossible for Malays if failed to climb up the social ladder. Don’t forget the history that when Chinese and Indian come to Malaysia they are poor too. They came here to do businesses, build railways, worked in plantation estates and farming.

I hope my Malay friends understand on this; you must work hard to build up a competent Malaysia. If Malaysia failed in progressing its economy, education, sports, and so on. The blames is on you, you are leading non-Malays from the beginning. Don’t forget that we have been loyal to you for decades. The minority especially Malaysian Indian fought for rights since 25 November 2007, they break the silence only after 50 years of “hard-core” marginalization.

So, no doubt that racial unity is achievable through the equality to all races. Abolish policies and systems that favour to one race to avoid racial discords, structure new policies and systems that benefit all Malaysian regardless of race and religion. Lets we build Malaysia together as Bangsa Malaysia!