Dec 30, 2008

Joke of the Year (2008)

Some 1,500 people including 400 children from a group of 20 Malay organisations joined the two-hour gathering which kicked off at 9am in Polo Ground, outside Sri Mutiara, the official residence of the Penang governor. They called on Malaysians to defend Islam as the nation’s official religion, the granting of immunity to the Malay royalty and the upholding of the draconian Internal Security Act to protect national security.

Initially, the stated purpose of the ISA was to defend communist activity in Malaysia during the Malayan Emergency. Since 1960 when the Act was enacted, thousands of people including trade unionists, student leaders, labour activists, political activists, religious groups, academicians, NGO activists have been arrested under the ISA. Although the ISA is draconian and undemocratic. Malaysia are the first nation which some of its citizen support the law.

Besides that, some Malays fear that their rights will be taken away by others. What a joke? Its seems like they are the majority here, so no chance their rights been take away. Since independent, history tell us that only minority struggling for their rights. No Malaysian questioned Islam as official religion so far. No one act to threat immunity to the Malay royalty so far. These people who gather are political motivated.

Many teenagers at the gathering carried banners with slogans written in both Malay and Jawi such as 'Kesabaran Melayu Ada Batas' (Malays' Patience Has Limits), 'Jangan Hina Nabi Muhammad SAW' (Don't Insult Nabi Muhammad), 'Jangan Pertikaikan ISA' (Don't Dispute ISA). 'Kekebalan Raja Raja Dipertahankan' (Defend the Royal Immunity), and 'Jangan Pertikaikan Hak Orang Melayu' (Don't Dispute Malay Rights). Other banners included 'Melayu dan Mamak Bersatu' (United Malays and Indian Muslims) and 'Jangan Ulang 13 Mei' (Don't Repeat May 13).

What you say? Some banners are very seditious, provoking other races too. They are the real 'threat' to nation's security, not the HINDRAF detainees who fights for minority rights without touching any religious or race sensitivities. The protesters of HINDRAF not even have a single banner of seditious words. But Malaysian government 'locked' HINDRAF leaders in Kamunting camp. If HINDRAF is a threat to the nation, how about these protesters?

Malaysia is fast becoming a sick nation. Everything is wrong in every aspects. From bad to worse! I think there are better things to do than protesting for nothing. Some people making very 'frustrating jokes' around. The year 2008 meet an end, hope in the coming year there will be no more such shameful incidents.


Anonymous said...

you are right. so true.

Anonymous said...

you are right. so true.

Anonymous said...

In Thailand, there is no official religion. Buddhism is not the official religion, despite 90% of poplulation are Buddhists.

In Malaysia, I do not recall any minority resorting to violence or demonstrations demanding for removal of Malay special rights. Having said that, I still couldn't find any mention of 'special rights' in the Malaysian consititution so I am puzzled about this special rights claim.

On Ruler's immunity or powers, I only remember a certain political party doing things to curb their powers and rights. No prices for guessing who's the main culprit.

On ISA, we need it but not for political purposes. Has ISA been abused? 99% of Malaysia's populations shared one opinion.

Anonymous said...

Sicko nation. Everyone can laugh all the way for the coming of year 2009.
Sick, sicker sicko...joke of the year.

Anonymous said...

You are the majority. You are holding ALL the important portfolios in government. You are monopolizing the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Volunteer Corps. You are in control of the whole government machinery. All Department heads, assistants and chiefs are your people. Your religion is the official religion, your language is the national and sole official language. How in the world can anyone in the country threaten the Malays? With what? ANy time the non-Malays say something, they are threatening the peace, any time the non-Malays squeek, they are asked to go "back". Perhaps the Malays would like to exchange position with the non-Malays for a few days and see whether they can threaten the majority. Or maybe they should go somewhere in Madagascar or Maldives or Singapore. The Malays there are very confident and we hardly hear them talk about their rights being threatened. ALtho they are minority.

Anonymous said...

Foremost, do these 1500 protesters have the license to protest? If not, then they should be ISAed so that they can stay happily behind jail! But of course who are we kidding, these protesters (supported by BN) will neither be ISAed nor hosed with chemicals

Satish said...

I agree with all of u guys...especially the 3rd anonymous person from the top.

The whole thing is just so idiotic!!

I wouldn't be surprised if all those protestors were paid to protest by you-know-who.

devilmozart said...

hahaha...tgk bkn main korg bising kn?!kalo tgk tujuan diorg dgn tujuan HINDRAF kte dh tau jauh bezakn...btw kaji sejarah malaysia dulu baru cakap pasal 'hak kebebasan manusia'...


CeKGu MoZaRt,
first of all..
I want to ask you a question..
Whats the relation between history and human rights?

You are talking nonsense here....

Anonymous said...

Cekgu mozart... kalau kite orang nak kaji sejarah malaysia pun, bukan semuanya betul... dah banyak yang menyimpang dah.....sebab tu lah hak asasi manusia ada kaitan dengan sejarah....kan???

hanya pandangan semata mata....
Jangan rujuk sejarah Malaysia yang ditulis orang malaysia, baca sejarah atau nota yang ditulis oleh penjajah... itu rekod asal sejarah... bukan buku teks sejarah yang ada sekarang....