22 years old Kugan a/l Ananthan proclaimed dead after being 5 days being in police custody in a Police Station. Look at his injuries, Kugan suffered in the police station for 5 days being tortured more worst than a slave or animal. The Selangor Police Chief Claims that 22 year old Kugan die all of a sudden within due to breathing difficulties. What the hell are you talking Mr Khalid?
This is not the first case in Malaysia. As I wrote in my previous post, there are 90% of the deaths in police and prison custody victims are Indians although their population not more than 10 %. Look at the pictures and video below and you can see how blatant all of this is. What else need to prove you?

Watch this video:
Kugan suffered from asthma said Khalid...
Malaysian do not think so, we know what you have done on Kugan! Sigh
HOME MINISTRY and POLICE HEADQUARTERS must immediately form an independent Investigation teams authorised to sack those involved even the person behind politically influenced.
We shall work with other political parties and NGO’s until justice to the murdered of Kugan Ananthan been punished by the law of the state.
Khalid says Kugan died of an asthma attack ?! .... BULLSHIT!!!
Look at all the bruises & injuries all over his body!!
& he's only 22 years old!
What has happened to our Malaysian police...I don't know.
This is not first incident to let police carry on their duties . So many other deaths in Custody been forgotten by public after sometime . While those involved remain Unpunished...
today arrox , 3.30pm , i saw his funeral car moing slovely with banners as slogan anti-polis in puchong , font of IOI mall ,
i heart from local people , kugan's father cancel the funeral in the last minute , and he want launch a case on goverment for the justice and his body taken back to he hosital....
@ Mesh
u r rite, a mother's curse definitely will punish them...
@ Townguy
good to hear that news, police always think them Indians will forget this incident after some time, but Kugan's father is seeking justice for his son....
Possible Conspiracy Involving Police Officers and Car Thef Syndicate may be cause of Kugan death in custody. The Act of covering up and diverting Public attention further reinforce our believe on possible consipracy involving influential people.
The silence of Inspector General of Police on call to form up Independent Investigation Team too add doubt. Today Selangor Police chief says Kugan’s death due to Fluid in Lung however he didn’t explain wound , cut and blood stain found on Kugan’s death body.
In order to further find truth his father made a daring decision to defer his son’s cremation. Follow us for the last happening :
1. Kugan’s Death Body Now at UMMC . Doctor says the autopsy report to be ready within next 7 hours.
2. Submission of Memorandum Calling Selangor Police Chief to Resign with Hundreds of Concern Public Members and NGO’s expected around 3 pm Friday 23rd January 2009.
more to follow as Informations received from various source on the ground.
this is bad, real bad..and what kugan's father did is right i suppose..let's see what the police chief has to say about this in defence of his force..
Abdul Gani has instructed the police to conduct a thorough probe and if the investigations proceed smoothly, there is a big possibility that those involved could be charged in court next week...
Well,another episode in PDRM history which proofs that Malaysia has the worst trained officers who can't get a confession without hurting.Face it,PDRM is NOT capable to gether enough evidence in most of the cases.Even to sent a suspect under preventive law(PCO/Simpang Renggam)still need to use violence on the accused.
Anyone who has been to a police lock up before will say what they can see in investigation room(baseball bat,rubberhose,strins,tape(to close convicts eyes before beating) & some even have rotan sticks.I dont only call thisdeath in custody but as Vasant said its 'silent ethnic cleansing'.Have you heard a Malay or Chinese died in Police custody>Even if there is its very few.I hope that all of us should show our support to this mattter otherwise Vasan's family alone will not be able to face this issues.Those photos clearly indicated the amount of torture late Kugan had gone thru.Even if he is the person who caused the crime..he did NOT deserve to die like this.SHAME on PDRM on their incapability.
I am a final year medical student.
I for one dont buy the bullshit given by the bastard Chief Police of Selangor, Mr,Khalid.
If it is really true that Kugan died out of an asthmatic attack(ie,medical term-status asthmaticus) it can be easily proven in the autopsy report.Anyway..what the bloody blue fuck where they doing when he had the attack!!!!...First aid is our basic need and PDRM should have had people adequate enough to provide relieve or SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT HIM TO THE HOSPITAL IF HE HAD AN ATTACK.
Anyway,they did not provide any explanation of the bruises and the blood stasis over the specific parts of the body.
There is a very clear mark of strangulation on the extremities.
Lacerations and abrasions were seen clearly on the back of the neck.
I could even notice some ecchymoses nearby the lower back!!!
From what I know,the foam in the mouth can also be caused by any form of drowning.(snow in the mouth effect)
Try explaining all of these PDRM!!!!!
We are not dumb idiots to believe your cockshit stories!!
I would also like to add,
FLUID IN THE LUNGS - (MEDICAL TERM PULMONARY EDEMA) can be caused by many other reasons, drowning,poisongs....etc...
Astma is a disease where the bronchuses and bronchioles contract and mucous forms 'plugs' to cover the respiratory tract.
It can be an easy thing to find out.Does Kugan actually have a history of Asthma?...If he doesnt,there is no way he could have suddenly developed asthma...bullshit...
Their lies make us look as if we are soo stupid to believe them.
Valga Tamil!!!
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