Recently, incidents of school teacher’s physically and verbally abusing students of Indian origin have been on the rise in Malaysia, and in some instances, teachers even called the Indian students by derogatory names. The latest case is in SMK Darul Ehsan, where a schools teacher called an Indian student 'anjing' (dog) and 'keling’. In many other cases, Indian students were verbally abused, slapped, kicked, punched and caned by the teachers without proper justification made.
I dont't know whether my Malay friends are satisfied when they are calling me as 'keling'. Why are they behaving so cheaply? I don’t surprise on the word ‘keling’, even until now my course mates (future teachers) are calling me as keeling as well. No wonder in school they are practicing the same words again and again. When I was small, my Malay and Chinese friends used to call my ‘keling’; in fact, they learnt the word from their parents and teachers.
Keling is widely used in a derogatory manner by Malaysian. The words like, ‘keling anjing’, ‘keling pariah’, ‘keling hitam’, 'black monkeys', 'Negroes' and 'keling pariah' are hurting a lot, but some of Malay friends still using to to insult Malaysian Indians. Did Malaysian Indians used term of such words to refer Chinese or Malays? We call you ‘chinan’ and ‘malaykaran’ (Tamil), which means Chinese and Malay people in English. Why you can't call us as Indian? In more appropriate way, we must not practice such words to divide us, please start refer us as Malaysian. We are one, we already shared one place to live since generations. So, Why this kind of intimidation towards Malaysian Indian? WHY ARE YOU SO RACIST?
Malaysian Indian parents are lodging a lot of reports against those teachers who physically or verbally abusing students, but no proper action taken by education ministry. Education Ministry’s silent in this issues make me think that they are encouraging such abuses. Let me tell you frankly, we are seriously going backward in building Bangsa Malaysia.
Malaysian Indian parents are lodging a lot of reports against those teachers who physically or verbally abusing students, but no proper action taken by education ministry. Education Ministry’s silent in this issues make me think that they are encouraging such abuses. Let me tell you frankly, we are seriously going backward in building Bangsa Malaysia.
Oh my dear Malaysian malay friends!!!
You all see now!!! Why such thing can happen in our country?? Don't we one race? Don't we loyal to our nation 'Agung' and nation?
Why friends? Why???
What is our fault?? We never do cursing or even teasing your people, then why???
Please lah, please stop from this uncivilized thinking and critics..
We are one, we are Malaysians..
At the same time, we have to be proud because we are situating in a wonderful and peace as well as harmonius country.. Therefore, please stop by blaming each and other of us..
I really hope that Vasantarao's bulletin can help us to realise on our rise and nation..
Thank you...
Please do changes on our attitude and mentality...
"WAWASAN 2020" is our target!!!!
Haiz..racism is one thing that will probably never die.
For sure this is not the first time for this sort of thing to happen.
Racism can be reduced, but to some extent, it will always exist.
As for the teachers who use racial slurs, they should be punished.
What kind of example are they giving to the children ?
I think these kind of teachers are just racist and extreme in their own way.
Have they forgotten that racial integration starts from school ?
Another thing is that action is hardly taken on these teachers. Powerless Samy V and MIC will talk big about it as usual...you know what I mean.
Even politicians are throwing racial slurs at each other. Some of them are the biggest hypocrites and still talk about racial integration and unity.
That is why it is important for teachers, politicians, and the elderly to set a good example to the children.
No worry lah MALAYSIAN we hit them bck when time come.Now wake everyone up cos BeeNed r using all the crock shit to hit us. Donate as much as u can to all those blogger anti-BN
Hi Vasan! I can understand how angry you feel about so many issues...I first saw you on a video on Haris' site, showing the reporter the appaling conditions that the Indians lived in. Keep writing, keep highlighting issues. BTW do you notice Ru'shit'a's name? She certainly has lived up to it :)
I never call my Indian friend as 'Keling'. in sarawak Malay supremecy is not as strong as semananjung (because ada UMNO)...only recently I heard that UMNO start somthing in Sarawak... anyway Melanau is the supremecy ruler in Sarawak. (We have no prolem with that)
the new Menteri Besar of Kerajaan HARAM Perak looks like a Keling Anjing......
he should not be there......
It all starts at home and also Teachers' training Colleges. That is why teachers even in Kindergartens, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Colleges and even the Universities are doing it. So the students just continue it when they become teachers. There is so much of this and even degrading and belittling other religions. If you dare complain, beware. In your next exam, your marks will go down. So best. just keep quiet. Who suffers?
Dear,All Indian friends. do not get emotional,Be smart like ants, when time come just vote-out this
racist party.Now focus on worthy
things like economic and education.This kind of people will
never change believe me, there will
continue, because All the power in the hands now ,only you can change by your precious vote.
huhu..topik hangat...sorry la just comment in BM..
sebenarnya saya simpati juga akan keadaan ini. tapi sebenarnya bukan kaum india sahaja yang mengalami perkara sebegini. kebanyakan bangsa di sabah pun mengalami perkara yang lebih teruk. tapi kami tak mahu perbesarkan.. sebab apa? waste our time dan boleh menjejaskan perpaduan yang sedia ada. tapi sebagai tindakan... tugas sebagai seorang guru sangatlah teruk pada masa kini. jadi role model dan banyak lagi.. saya kesal juga sikap guru yang asyik menggunakan pengganti nama diri yang kurang sopan dan kurang ajar. so saya menyeru kepada warga MALAYSIA tolonglah sangat2 jangan hidupkan suasana perkauman..kalau tercetus perkara yang tidak diingini bukannya kita dapat untung pun..sekarang kita perlu fikir masa depan kita terutama sekali pendidikan dan ekonomi kita.. apa-apa masalah kembalilah kepada agama masing-masing. kerna saya percaya setiap agama yang ada di dunia ini mahukan kedamaian dan kasih sayang di dalam setiap penganutnya...
Good topic Vasan,
However,for those who address us as Keling are uncivilised people regardless what race they are.However,we Indians are as equal as other races.Some morons may not understand the fact.Funny thing is majority of us speak better Malay & our essay/karangan we score even better results than some of them :)
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