Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Singapore National teams were beating boys for Malaysia, but it's a total different story nowadays. Today, these teams stand an equal chance of beating Malaysia. Vietnam, even though football league is corrupted internally, is well above Malaysia's standards. Months ago, Malaysia again suffered massive defeat to the ASEAN team in AFF Suzuki Cup (Asean Football Championship).

We have lots of excellent records that able to proud of. Malaysia qualified for the 1972 and the 1980 Olympics. Although did qualify to play in the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, Malaysia did not take part after heeding a United States-led boycott of the Games due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. These moment of achievements only through pro-Malaysian team, not with pro-Malays team! What I'm trying to tell is only multiracial players able to bring back the "dream team".

Now, I forced to talk on the racism in Malaysian football, it would be a big mistake to sweep it under carpet again and the best course of action is to take closer look at it. The question of whether race is a major criterion in the selection of players for the national team arose from the fact that the squad that fared so badly in the recent tournaments. Our team comprised Malays in the field and I guess it’s only one Malaysian Indian in the bench. This led to the question of why the other races were not selected and fears that football, the nation’s favourite sport, has become a divisive factor in our multi-racial society.
However, the situation in football is different because once this sport cut across racial lines and was widely played among all races and the national team was made up of players of different races. The great Malaysian teams of the 70's and 80's were truly a mixed bag with the likes of S.Ravindran, Soh Chin Aun, Shukor Salleh, Santokh Singh, Mokhtar Dahari, Wong Choon Wah, Hassan Sani, Arumugam, Chow Chee Keong, Abdah Alif, James Wong, Isa Bakar, Bakri Ibni, Lim Teong Kim and others donning national colours.
The question of whether race is a major criterion in the selection of players for the national team arose from the fact that the squad that fared so badly in the recent tournaments. This led to the question of why the other races, especially the Indian and Chinese, were not selected and fears that football, the nation’s favourite sport, has become a divisive factor in our multi-racial society.
Throw the racist coaches, officials, players and teams out of Malaysian football first if wish to see our football to shine again like it was in 1970s and 1980s. Save Malaysian football from continuesly fighting without proper direction. I don't know whether this article reaches FAM, but its sincere message from a true Malaysian that loves football very much and hopes for the immediate reform of the team.


I don't think Malaysia can survive with its racist policy.
lets be open in selecting players!
multiracial players create in national team create a new 'dawn' of Malaysia...
reform it immediately!
let me give my opinion on this by logic.
1. Living standard..
Vietnam and Laos are poor countries, therefore the citizen will work even harder to earn more. They see football is a stepping stone for better life, so they will work harder to achieve the dream. Malaysian footballer is far richer than those countries therefore they play because they love to play, not play to survive.
2. Numbers..
Those countries have more players to select in every level. Malaysia has limited number of players due to the fact (living standard) that too many sports available…ohh yaaa…many then them..PC Game!
3. Management..
Those countries know nothing (may be) about football, so they hired professional to run its activities and development programs. Malaysia appointed a politician, or also a professional but handcuffed!
4. Budget..
Those countries have limited budget but it properly allocated, and use wisely. Malaysia? Don’t have to ask, the answer is ISA!
I don't agree to the Living standard pointed by Hakim. Malaysians who love to play football would play with friends, no need to play for national team. Only those who has a heart for national glory would join the team, cuz in the end, we don't earn much for playing in national team.
What we are lack of I believe is a proper training system and proper attitude of the players. Regardless of race, if all were to train hard and hard enough, I'm sure we can perform better.
Peace be upon you,
This is what we call 'FIRST CLASS FACILITY , BUT THIRD CLASS MENTALITY'compare to the likes of Vietnam and Myanmar. Believe me one day Malaysia will become a whipping boy of Southeast Asia. Total reform from high level management is required.
cakap banyak..
turun stadium tak support malaysia?
saudara algojo yang baik,
ni penyokong setia 'Harimau muda' kot...
dah seri-seri dah turun gi stadium, emu tngok Malaysia main macam budak sekolah.....
The public is losing patience with Malaysian football because of its lack of success.
when you going to reform, nice pictures there, especially the last one.
you are true that we will get that forever!
nice!! really nice article. good work!!
" these teams stand an equal chance of beating Malaysia" - quote
I don't think they have 'equal chance' but every chance to beat us flat!
It is ridiculous to see a MULTICULTURAL country like ours field a team consisting of only ONE racial group.
Bro, I've also intended to blog about our state of footbal. But looks like you've beaten me to it ;) The Perak scandal has kept me busy... Haha
What we are lack of I believe is a proper training system and proper attitude of the players. Regardless of race, if all were to train hard and hard enough, I'm sure we can perform better. - yup im agree with hocmun said..huhuhu
hidup harimau muda..hopefully =) nice article..love it
Malaysia surely wouldn't achieve anything in the international level not only for the football, same goes with the other fields. as long as concern the racial issue as a main criteria for the selections...
Be open minded and give opportunities for those who are really talented without discremination...........
One simple line :-
Malaysia Need A "MULTICULTURAL" Team!
hi bro, nice article..
i wan 2 add some point here...
Malaysian player need fitness..
v need a player who cn play full time with fitness, not for 45 min only..
and our Malaysian league must be at least in gud standard...
waiting for better Malaysian futball
What a super post by Vasan, bro Malaysian football will never learn from their bloody mistake. Still remember Mr.Guss Hinddink??? He was Malaysia's football team coach some years ago. He brought MAlaysian football to a respectable stage but then was fired when Malaysian lost in few games but now He(Guss) have been called to be the manager of Chelsea. Did Malaysia missed such a good coach??? The answer is ya. FAM are responsible for this. You(FAM) can't be hoping for winning all game when you have players who can't even run 100m under 13 second.Do we need this kind of players who can't even make it trough the finals of MSSM under-15 100m??? FAM is also have this trend of asking the coach to choose all Malays players...Does only the Malays play football??? Apa yang boleh dicakapkan lagi...??? If we really want to improve our football quality, there is only one way....fire all the existing people in FAM and Malaysian Football team and have a independent body to choose the players and also the officials...till then majulah Malaysia kerana bala menimpa sepak...hahaha....
erm, correct me if i am wrong...i dont think Guus Hiddink ever coached Malaysia. As far as my local football knowledge is concerned, he never did.
you r correct Jonathan,
Guss Hiddink is the man who brought South Korea to the world Cup Semi Final in 2002....
he never been coached Malaysia....
Claude Le Roy(ex Senegal, Ghana & Cameroon coaches *all go to WC*) is the most famous coach that have coach us.
I guess Siva mistaken Le Roy with Guus..
State FA's are not doing their part, selection based on friends/relation /recommendation.They never really go to kampong/Estate to tap the talents.What can FAM do when State FA's are not doing their duty. Cover their shit lah! Isa Bakar will tell you better.Call hin now 019-4485566
i think the coaches are malays
cause they don't pick chinese or idians......
this is not fair
even the picture said "show me a non malay picture"
some chinese and idians play more better then the malays and those idiot coaches still pick malays...
They choose the shit player play big matches and better players stay at home watching tv
that is why malaysia's football team suck.....
now go back to 1972 and 80's watch
see how fair they are in malaysia now 20 century......SHIT!!!
look at lee chong wei when he become a dato... just one advertisement only .......
when a malay player just win one match ...so many advertisement
the malays treat us unfair
and we need to complain to our sultan and tell him " THIS IS NOT FAIR TO US "
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