4D predictions in some temples are tarnishing the images of Malaysian Hindus. Over the 50 years when thousand of Hindu Temples demolished, Samy Vellu kept mum, but when a place where gamblers went to get predictions for 4D or numbers so called ‘temple’ demolished, MIC turned to defend the ‘gamble center’. This shows how Samy Vellu is more emphasising on his political survival than Malaysian Indian community’s wellbeing.
MIC is totally failed, where’s MIC over 50 years when Hindu’s were stepped on the head? Why is MIC destroying the Hindu community by defending a ‘gamble center’? We can see how MIC forced to indicate anything as temple to get cheap publicity from Hindus. There are thousands 4D datuk temples around our nation. Its better if local councils destroy the illegal ‘4D prediction center’ before it destroy Hindu communities in Malaysia.
Such ‘temples’ which operate as ‘4D prediction center’ must be not given any land title, if the ‘operation centers’ refuse to close even though given warning, authorities should arrest the ‘Datuks’ and demolish the 'temple' then. Police should also carry out a mass operation to clean up this unhealthy culture among Hindus.
Hindu temples are only for performing prayers and other religious/divine activities, not for gamblers to get prediction for 4D numbers. In fact, this immoral activity tarnishing Hindus image in Malaysia and also loosing the temple’s credibility to build up the Hinduism.
why this peoples missuse temple????
and HINDRAF blaming PR????
thr's no point blaming pr....
peoples must knw wht is happening around.
We must always beware of this issues all...
Why these people misuse temple???
temple is a holy place..
the indians should knw, temple is to worship not duin this stupid stuff al..
At the same time, HINDRAF wich been bought by "BN" blaming PR..
For wht wana blame PR???
THR'S no reason to blame PR
realy nonsence...
HINDRAF should not talk much about this...
firts of all ask them to explain wat hpn to all those money's???
TO all the people pls
'dont judge the book by its cover"
hope they don't involve Hindu temples into the politics!
this bullshit involve religious issue to the politics...
hope dont take care so much about blaming PR...just look the kepala lembu case, who make it? ah...
no pride to putar belit this issue, media n u as blogger should provide bttr facts and prove than just story.
*lee is of of the only eye see brotherhood....r u also one of them?
A temple in Jenjarom could probably be their next target. The committee members whom called on myself for assistance and agreed with relocation plan within 10,000 sq ft land now been promised by MIC President that he will purchase the same piece of land where temple currently situated. Enough promising, let’s do it immediately as it will solved much more thereafter in Selangor. A point to wonder why he don’t do the same at KL or prior March 8, 2008.
There are few more temples in Selangor facing same fate and where unnecessary intervention from them make the matter worse.
Kenyataan Media
24 Oktober 2009
Datuk Sri Samy Vellu diseru Minta Maaf kepada Umat Hindu Atas Pembohongan Berniat Politik Isu Tokong Datuk
Selama lebih 50 tahun masyarakat India terpedaya dan dieksploitasi di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Sri Samy Vellu yang mengetuai MIC. Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat bukanlah satu parti politik yang berwajah seperti MIC yang mengkhianati kepercayaan masyarakat India di Malaysia khususnya di negeri Selangor. Segala peranan dan kepimpinan Datuk Sri Samy Vellu sudah terbukti dalam skandal penyelewengan kewangan Maika Holdings, penipuan tanah Sekolah Rendah Tamil Effingham dan banyak lagi. Segala penipuan dan pengkhianatan beliau disedari oleh semua lapisan masyarakat India dan kami menyeru agar Datuk Sri Samy Vellu untuk menghentikan segala tindak tanduk dan sandiwara untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat ini dengan melembarkan maklumat-maklumat palsu iaitu "Isu Tokong Datuk" yang dapat mengelirukan masyarakat India.
"Tokong Datuk" adalah satu tempat pujaan untuk mendapatkan nombor Ekor / Judi. Kuil Hindu adalah satu pusat ibadat ketuhanan dan ajaran keagamaan yang suci untuk menyemai akhlak mulia dan berkepercayaan jiwa murni. Jadi kami membantah sekeras-kerasnya kenyataan dan perbuatan Datuk Sri Samy Vellu yang mengaitkan "Tokong Datuk" tersebut sebagai kuil Hindu. Segala kegiatan di "Tokong Datuk" bukan satu amalan keagamaan Hinduism.
Kerajaan negeri Selangor terus berpegang dengan prinsip dan dasar kepimpinan yang tidak meroboh sebarang tempat ibadat hindu tanpa rundingan bersama pihak-pihak tertentu. Selepas pilihanraya ke-12, satu Jawatankuasa Rumah Ibadat Bukan Islam Negeri Selangor telah ditubuh dengan diwakili oleh semua ahli-ahli agama.
Kenyataan Datuk Sri Samy Vellu dalam semua akhbar harian Tamil yang mengaitkan "Tokong Datuk" dengan Kuil Hindu telah memburukkan imej baik ajaran agama Hindu dan mencetuskan gambaran negative terhadap keseluruhan kebudayaan umat hindu. Segala penipuan dan manipulasi palsu ini didalangi oleh Datuk Sri Samy Vellu untuk mendapatkan publisiti murahan yang bermotifkan politik kotor. Dengan ini, saya menyeru agar Datuk Sri Samy Vellu untuk meminta maaf kepada seluruh umat Hindu atas segala pembohongan berniat politik mengenai "Isu Tokong Datuk" dan mencemari agama Hindu.
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