Dec 19, 2008

"JERITAN RAKYAT" Shaked Parliament!

Congratulation to Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT) cyclists for bringing Malaysian peoples aspirations to parliament house from north and south. During more than two weeks of journey, JERIT cyclist faced a lot of tests from various group of people along their journey.

Here are some demands by JERIT cyclist:

Must watch video:


Satish said...

Federal government is just too stubborn to listen to the people...

Even after March 8, they still haven't learnt their lesson.

malaysiaReconstructor said...

i were the cyclist in rout to Shah Alam and Parliament. i testify through out the campaign, i can tell you how bastard they re,make me sick. Hidup Rakyat, Rakyat pengayuh perubahan

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to all JERIT cyclists!